- Publisher: Kelly McClymer Books
- Edition: 1
- Available in: mobi, epub, paperback
- Published: September 2, 2024
Whether you call it work, a job, or a career there’s no ignoring the fact that the world of work has changed
for good — but not necessarily for the better.
Very few straight paths from the mailroom to the boardroom exist any longer. Everyone works, but few feel secure or joyful.
These days, loyalty is laughable. So, what’s a person to do? The good news is that you have a choice. You can ‘do’ or be ‘done to’. You can stagnate in worry and self-doubt, waiting for your work to dictate your life’s circumstances. Or, you can ‘do’ by stepping into the quantum future to take an entrepreneurial approach to your own career and happiness.
This book was carefully crafted by two authors from opposite ends of the work sphere: one climbed the
corporate ladder, very successfully, even as rungs were being moved, destabilized, or disappeared. The
other pursued her own artistic passions, saying “no thanks” to a straightforward career trajectory and
cobbling together all sorts of interesting jobs that fed her one ambition: to write novels (as any novelist
knows, everything that happens can be used in a story, somehow, someway). Together, the authors unite
powerful perspectives, experiences, and research of the future of work in a single mission – to help those
seeking new meaning in career.
If you’re looking for a way to feel “downsizing-proof”; this book is:
- Chock full of evidence (so you can counter that feeling of “is it me?” with cold hard proof it is not just you).
- Chock full of step-by-step advice on how you should build your own downsizing-proof career.
Most importantly, though, this book offers you the tools to assess and the inspiration to achieve what it is you want from your work life so that you can create your own dream career, no matter how you refer to it.